About the Center
The Chico Ceramics Center was formed by Chico Ceramics Artist's Angie Harris, Scott Bryson, and Ryan McDougal.
Their dream was to create a space where folks who love clay could come to create art and work in a collective and supportive environment with fellow artists. We wanted to provide instruction in the ceramic arts with workshops, classes, and support for all local ceramic artists.
The Center provides a space for our local artist's to showcase their work, and provide ceramic supplies to folks nearby at a reasonable price. The Studio opened Jan 1st, 2015 and the retail store opened in March, 2015. The retail, consignment store, and gallery opened on July 1st, 2016.
We have dozens of talented and wonderful artists using our space regularly as well as provide supplies to local schools and artists. We have ongoing ceramics classes for all skill levels. Our studio is well-equipped including a 24 cubic foot downdraft kiln for cone 10 reduction firings and a yard that is constantly evolving. We offer Raku, bisque, low, and high-fire firing services to our members and to the public.
We are constantly working to improve and evolve our business, and to meet the ever-changing demands of our valued
members and customers.
Chico Ceramics Center is currently owned by Tyler Pollock and his loving wife Sierra.
Thanks for visiting our site!